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Special Issue in Wildlife Biology

In collaboration with Skandulv, Wildlife Biology invited researchers to submit manuscripts for their Special Issue "Wolves Across Borders"

Wolves have always been at the center of human-wildlife coexistence, and their management is politically polarized and contentious. Furthermore, the world’s wolf population ranges across an incredibly diverse collection of countries which represent a broad spectrum of cultures, environments, economies, and government structures. This is especially true in Eurasia, where wolves cross between the borders of over 50 different nations. Variation in cultural values, political objectives, monitoring strategies, and knowledge base about local wolf populations makes cross-border management complex.

For the special issue “Wolves Across Borders”, Wildlife Biology (a full Gold Open Access journal) welcomed theoretical, empirical, and practical manuscripts of high standard from all areas of wolf science, ranging from the ecology and behavior of wolves to the human dimensions of wolf management and governance.


Find the first published papers here:


Effects of large carnivores, hunter harvest, and weather on the mortality of moose calves in a partially migratory population - Ausilio et al.

Single visits to active wolf dens do not impact wolf pup recruitment or pack size - Gabe et al.


Not afraid of the big bad wolf: calls from large predators do not silence mesopredators - Ruth-Gutteridge et al.


Do recolonising wolves trigger non-consumptive effects in European ecosystems? A review of evidence - Gerber et al.


Wolves in the borderland – changes in population and wolf diet in Romincka Forest along the Polish–Russian–Lithuanian state borders - Nowak et al.


Free-ranging cattle and the return of the wolf: behavioral responses and implications for conservation management - Smit and Kuijper.


Genetic admixture between Central European and Alpine wolf populations - Hulva et al.


Carnivore guild utilization of hunter-provided food sources in boreal forest - Wikenros et al.


Do wolves control their own numbers? Understanding and updating the long debate - Cassidy and Smit.


Human avoidance, selection for darkness and prey activity explain wolf diel activity in a
highly cultivated landscape - Sunde et al.


Will future wind power development in Scandinavia have an impact on wolves? - Miltz et al.


Home range and habitat selection of wolves recolonising central European human-dominated
landscapes - Vorel et al.


Environmental impact assessment for large carnivores: a methodological review of the wolf Canis
lupus monitoring in Portugal - ​
Ferraro da Costa et al.


Seasonal activity patterns and home range sizes of wolves in the human-dominated landscape of
northeast Türkiye - ​Blount et al.


The role of predation, forestry and productivity in moose harvest at different spatial levels of
management units - Wikenros et al.






About Wildlife Biology

Wildlife Biology is a non-profit society owned journal promoting a scientific basis for the conservation and management of wildlife and of human-wildlife relationships. Wildlife Biology is owned by the Nordic Society Oikos and is fully open-access.

Wildlife Biology - The Journal

Wildlife Biology - Wolf Management in Central Europe

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