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Tuesday 3rd of June

Ecology & Society

*Please note that this program

 is subject to change.

 Last updated: 12-02-2025

07:00 - 08:30    Breakfast

Plenary Presentations

08:30 - 09:00    Noëlle Aarts - Arguing along fault-lines: How rhetorical practices polarize debates on                            wolf comeback in the Netherlands and Flanders

09:00 - 09:30    Martin Drenthen -  The challenge of making sense of wolves in cultural landscapes 

09:30  - 10:30   Kevin Crooks and Mireille Gonzalez - TBA

10:30 - 11:00    Break

11:00 - 12:20     Parallel Presentations & Sessions

11:00 - 11:20

Carolyn Schaltegger

Ronja Kraus

Robert Myslajek

Salvador Lyngdoh

Wolf Fencing Team

Navigating Socio-Ecological Dynamics: Changes in Human Attitudes and Wolf Management in Switzerland. 

Voices from the Mountains: Using in-person interviews to understand livestock farmers’ attitudes on wolves and wolf management in the Italian Alps. 

Wolves as sentinels of farmers’ compliance with sanitary regulations in Poland. 

Himalayan Wolves: Ecology and Conservation in Human Dominated Landscapes. 





Wolves in Landscapes

Sessions with citizen initiatives for 
co-existence with wolves

11:20 - 11:40

Davide Ravaglia

Media Attitudes Toward Wolves: The Role of Recolonization Phases, Pasture Seasons, and Proximity to Elections in the Italian Alpine Regions.

Nima Badelu

Insights of coexistence between humans and wolves: a case study from Tandoure National Park in Iran. 

Julia Stauder

Fences and Shepherds Are Just the Start: Navigating the Complex Challenges of Implementing Livestock Protection Measures. 

Dries Kuijper

Wolves recolonize novel ecosystems in Europe leading to novel interactions. 

Pasturs (Italy)

11:40 - 12:00

Svenja Capitain

Exploring the role of implicit and explicit attitudes in human-wolf coexistence

Naresh Kusi

Perspectives of traditional Himalayan communities on fostering coexistence with Himalayan wolf and snow leopard. 

Stefano Filacorda

Living labs - a shared management tool for wolf, livestock and hunting coexistence: The case study of the 4Pethabeco project (Ipa-Adrion Interreg Project) in the areas of the Dinaric Alps and the North Eastern Alps.

Tariku Mekonnen Gutema


Entre chien et loup (France)

12:00 - 12:20

Cassiopeia Camara 

Age-Defying Conservation: Cogeneration from Boomers to Zoomers 

Jérémie Moulin

It takes a village: thanks to inclusive conservation,  an NGO implemented a successful livestock protection program in Switzerland

Malaika Mathew Chawla

The relationships between wolves and pastoralists in the context of shrinking grasslands in Surendranagar district, Gujarat, India. 

Francesca Marucco

Transboundary Monitoring of the Wolf Alpine Population over 7 countries and 24 years. 

Peter Herdenschutz Niedersachsen (Germany)

12:20 - 13:30


13:30 - 16:00     Parallel Presentations, Sessions & Movies


Wolves & Society

Wolf Habitat
& Wolf-dog

Genetics & Health

Feeding & Predation

Challenges of co-existence

Sessions: Emotions in science and policy


13:30 - 13:50

Emu-Felicitas Ostermann-Miyashita

25 years since the return of wolves in Germany – is the public as polarised as we think? 

Roman Gula

Habitat protection is crucial for the future well-being of Poland's wolf population. 

Isabel Salado

Echoes of survival: hidden genetic challenges in the Iberian wolf. 

Kevin Groen

Feeding Ecology of Wolves in the Netherlands. 

Annelies van Ginkel


Dilemma’s in nature management since the return of wolves. 


13:50 - 14:10

Rebecca Albrecht

The Political Ecology of German Wolf Management - Narrowing Ideological Divides through Conservation Performance Payments. 

Jennifer Hatlauf

Modeling habitat- and conflict potential for wolves in Austria to inform management. 

Aimilia Ioakeimidou

From wilderness to urban edge: genetic insights into a newly established wolf population in Parnitha National Park⁠—Central Greece. 

Dani Freund

Video wolf predating beaver: how wolves influence beaver foraging. 

Hans Peter Hansen

On wolves and commons: Institutionalizing local deliberation and social learning in Danish wolf management. 



14:10 - 14:30

Iina Ala-Kurikka

Taming the Wolf Debate: Lessons from the LIFE BOREALWOLF Project Communication. 

Clémence Méheust

The natural resettlement of the Grey wolf in Normandy, France. 

Caroline Sophie Birkenhain

Pedigree-based analysis of livestock depredation behaviour in German wolves.

Elke Wenting

The Influence of Wolves and Wild Boars on European Facultative Scavengers.

Austin T. Homkes

Ending the cycle of endless conflict: four years of keeping wolves off a cattle ranch in Minnesota, USA. 



14:30 - 14:50

Alma Sanchez

The Nez Perce Tribe and Himiin (gray wolf): A reflection of the past and dream for the future. 

Sandra Lai

(Re)Connecting the dots: assessing connectivity loss and landscape demogenetics of Ethiopian wolf populations. 

Gwendolyn Wirobski

Seasonal and Health-Related Variations in Wolf Hair Cortisol: A Method Validation from Captive and Field Samples. 

Joost de Jong

Kill patterns of recolonizing Eurasian wolves. 

Anne Kessels

Polarising discursive practices in the debate on the comeback of the wolf. 



14:50 - 15:10


Martina Lazzaroni

A novel approach to investigating the impact of urbanization on wolf-dog interactions in Central Italy. 

Terrance Vincent O'Halloran

The  Wildity Scale as a communication tool on reintroduced wolves. 

Esther van der Meer

Wolves in the Netherlands : past, present and future. 

Bart Beekers

Wolves as a scavenger and supplier of carrion in the Veluwe, the Netherlands. 



15:10 - 15:30

Rob Lenders

A long term historical perspective on wolf-human relationships. 

Astrid Vik Stronen

Wolf-dog hybridization and introgression in and around Dalmatia, Croatia.

Kees van Frankenhuyzen

Wolves in Southern Algoma (Ontario, Canada): A Private-Public Partnership Project. 

Charlotte van  der Locht

How fast do native ungulates respond to the return of the wolf in anthropogenic landscapes? 

Jasja Dekker

Projecting wolf population dynamics in Europe, the need for regional parameters, and how to use population modelling in wolf policy and management 



15:30 - 15:50


Helena Johansson

Wolves across species’ borders - genetic determination of wolf-dog hybrids kept as pets in Finland. 

Mari Lyly

Volatility in volunteer work: developing large carnivore observation network in Finland.

Thomas Gable



Beavers - not ungulates - are the primary pray of many wolves during summer in a southern boreal ecosystem. 


15:50 - 16:15


16:15 - 18:15    Parallel Workshops

Mireille Gonzalez

Designing Diverse Social Conflict Resolution Approaches to Manage Human-Carnivore Conflicts

Femke Hilderink

Human wildlife conflict mitigation WWF 

Diemer Vercayie & Pepijn t'Hooft

Citizen Initiatives for Coexistence: Towards a Collaborative Manual 

Thorsten Gieser

Understanding emotions in human-wolf conflicts 

Cassiopeia Camara 

Maria Falkevik

Erik Versluijs

Howl You Say It? From Boomers to Zoomers 

A crash course in wolf conflict cooking 

Studying wolf behavior at high resolution: an introduction to acceleration data in animal behavior research 

18:15 - 19:00


19:00 - 21:00


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